Google drive stuck uploading
Google drive stuck uploading

Deleted and moved files are hanging about in the 'com~apple~CloudDocs' folder even when removed from their original locations. So I'm suspecting that the iCloud sync process is not handling this well. Now I notice that the list of update files includes files in Trash and other places where the files no longer exist. Mine went from over 4000 items to 1,175 in a few minutes but now seems stuck again. Your files will go up in batches, determined by whatever throttling Apple has set for the process. Check this by double-clicking on the little Pie icon in the Finder window. Will give you a massive list - in my case - of files it resets the date on that are waiting to upload. mac has a unix core, but all above it is blackbox proprietary softwareįurther to user9869932 above about resetting the date.Ĭd "/Users/-your user name-/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs"įind. I cannot guarantee it will work always, as iCloud is blackbox.

  • If it worked, you should see progress in the iCloud progress dialog you opened on step 1.
  • It will ask for password if you are not root currently in terminal. (again replace 815 on your bird process id from step 3).
  • Change priority (negative numbers are high priority, based on research -20 is the highest, but do not put it, I suggest to put -10) to do it.
  • If you never changed it before, it will be 0 (under NI column, but formatting of output is not nice). (Replace 815 on your bird process id from step 3).

    google drive stuck uploading google drive stuck uploading

    You will see your bird process id, in my case it is 815. Double click on ☁️ iCloud icon in finder to see progress.what helped me is changing of 'bird' process priority ('bird' process is responsible for icloud replication).

    Google drive stuck uploading